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Using cron tasks in Alpine Linux

Manually compile open source gateway konga and integrate with kong

     This article briefly explains how to enable scheduled tasks in Alpine Linux.

To upgrade to a new stable release or edge

$ apk upgrade --available

optimized toolbox

$ apk add openrc --no-cache

manages the services

$ apk add busybox-initscripts

Start service crond and add it to runlevel

$ rc-service crond start && rc-update add crond
## OR ##
# $ /etc/init.d/crond start
## OR ##
# $ service crond [start|stop|status|restart]

See crond is running

$ rc-service -l | grep crond 

New task1 your scripts file. Note: The script must not have a file suffix

$ vi /etc/periodic/15min/task1
echo `data` >>/tmp/log.txt


$ chmod 777  /etc/periodic/15min/task1

To check whether your scripts are likely to run

$ run-parts --test /etc/periodic/15min

Append schedule tasks, at every minute

$ crontab -e
*/1     *       *       *       *       run-parts /etc/periodic/15min

View all schedule tasks

$  crontab -l
# do daily/weekly/monthly maintenance
# min   hour    day     month   weekday command
*/15    *       *       *       *       run-parts /etc/periodic/15min
0       *       *       *       *       run-parts /etc/periodic/hourly
0       2       *       *       *       run-parts /etc/periodic/daily
0       3       *       *       6       run-parts /etc/periodic/weekly
0       5       1       *       *       run-parts /etc/periodic/monthly
*/1     *       *       *       *       run-parts /etc/periodic/15min

View root user schedule tasks

$  cat /etc/crontabs/root

View run log

$  watch cat /tmp/log.txt
