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Is it easy to enter a front-end pit now?

Is it easy to enter a front-end pit now?

     I remember that when I first learned programming, I also learned some basic front-end. But when I first started learning, the teacher basically wouldn’t tell everyone how to use front-end development tools, such as (Dreamweaver, FrontPage). It can only be purely manual, and it can only be a window system. Notepad, how painful it was at that time, Notepad did not have any code prompts at all, so basically it was completely copied by pen or memorized by brain (at that time, I felt that my hair was falling very fast, and using the “bawang” doesn’t work, I guess it was almost The Mediterranean or The bald head is strong ). Later, when you become proficient in manual beating, the teacher will tell you to use some tools (mainly because you are playing too slowly, the teacher wants to leave the class quickly). Of course, the tools are very helpful. For example, Dreamweaver, FrontPage, etc. Since I started to use tools, my hair is thicker, and I can sleep better. I no longer want to use a notepad to type, and then my brain is rote. The time that I can’t look back on is really horrible. However, using a variety of front-end programming tools is just an introduction. The key core is to understand the underlying logic of each language and the principles of framework architecture. In this way, no matter how they change, they can basically be used. However, if you are doing front-end development now, it is not So easy. The front-end technology stack has developed and changed so fast over the years that it will be disconnected if you are not careful. Basically, a new framework or new development tool will come out every few months. Now let’s see if How many things do you need to know before entering the business. This used to be a master every minute, but now you are just a Noob to learn these things, hey, no!

Cut Tools

     In the past, front-end and art were a technical job. With the development of the Internet, they were divided into UI (User Interface Design), UED (User Experience Design), and UCD (User Interface Design). The front-end has evolved into a general term. Now that the UI designs the page, the front-end may still need to do some things. For example, cut an overall picture into small icons or picture buttons, and then Use html+css to assemble. Now css3 also supports displaying pictures with different coordinates in the same picture, so that there is no need to cut small pictures, it can also reduce the number of browser requests, and speed up rendering speed and efficiency. If you need to cut Pages will use the following tools more or less.

Programming Knowledge

     I used to learn front-end, basically three tricks of Html+Css+Javascript can travel all over the world. Now I don’t dare to go out (haha). Because I don’t know 3~5 scripting languages for front-end development now, I can’t say that I am a front-end programmer. If you look at the following languages, the front end will be involved, but some use more and some use less.

Service Deployment

     If the Project is completed, you need to deploy it to the public network to test and see the effect. You can also deploy Apache\Tomcat\Jetty localy, but if you want to show it for others, but don’t want to buy a domain name or cloud server, you can Use the following Pass products to test it.

Tech Community

      .This can better improve the future iteration of technology and improve the stability of middleware, and also make information more centralized and convenient for everyone. So what are the more mature front-end communities?

mobile terminal

     In the past, PC was the platform used by mainstream users, and many companies did not have Wap terminal. There is no unified mobile-side solution framework. Since the popularity of smartphones, mobile-side and H5-side have become mainstream, and mobile-side frameworks have sprung up. Let’s take a look at what technology stacks are needed to develop mobile-side applications now.

Debug Tool

      Yes, because modern browsers provide diagnostic tools, which are very convenient to troubleshoot problems. See what front-end diagnostic tools are available now.

Front-end Security

      .Because they can directly request the back-end interface and bypass the browser’s judgment directly, so as to directly request the back-end interface and bypass the judgment of the front-end JS. Now let’s see what security of the front-end can be controlled?

Development Tools

      The more are the following.

Soft Skills

     If coding is our hard skill, then we also need to improve our own soft skills. Because everything has two sides, we need both soft and hard to be just right. So what soft skills do we need to cultivate? Skills, soft skills involve self-management, interpersonal communication, career development, leadership management and other aspects. Including problem-solving ability, technical summary and sharing ability, cross-team communication or development ability, understanding of needs and project management ability , There are also framework modularization ideas and branch version management, interaction design and service availability knowledge, etc. These are soft skills, which cannot be measured with a specific value with technology, and can only be determined on a case-by-case basis.

Knowledge Reserve

     The knowledge reserve is not only a framework or JS library that is often used in the front end. You also need to understand the operating system principle, computer network model, several commonly used algorithms, software engineering models, software Test process, data structure, object-oriented programming, aspect programming, MVC/MVVM/SPI architecture pattern, functional programming, JS design pattern, etc. All of these must be supplemented with relevant knowledge, which is actually a general term for technical breadth.

Build Tools

      Some processes can be automated, freeing up some repetitive work, allowing us to focus more on core business innovation. Then the front-end tools mainly solve project management tools, plug-in dependency management, compilation management, program entry and exit specification compression Or remove unnecessary code comments, code style checks, and custom plugin extensions.

Standard Specification

      Specifications, label specifications, operation specifications, etc. Then briefly introduce some of the specifications involved in the front-end.

Front-end Framework

     There are too many front-end frameworks. If you look at the community, there will be a new one every month. Is it too easy to write a front-end framework? A set of your own front-end library or component library. This actually reflects a problem, that is, each framework has many similarities, and a front-end programmer who is a little bit basic can’t understand other people’s things, so he makes his own. , and then a framework came out. In fact, this momentum is good, but if you create too much, it may not be a good thing for the students who are getting started. I don’t know where to start, so I will write a few .

Performance Tuning

     Performance is very important in the front-end field. Because if the page element rendering is slow or the JS execution is too complicated or too many JS files are loaded at one time, or the image is loaded too much, these will affect the customer experience. Therefore Some tools are needed to truly verify the performance indicators of the next page, to see if they conform to the rules and strategies formulated in the previous stage, and to better reflect the real users. Then the following are the commonly used performance tools should be used.


      Represents all the front-end, because the development of front-end technology on the Internet is very fast, and it is not surprising that some technologies that are currently used or popular may be eliminated or replaced by other technologies after a year. Therefore, there is only continuous learning and progress. Only then can we maintain our core competitiveness. I hope to provide some reference materials for the students who are getting into the front-end. The road to technology is long, and we should learn to encourage us to move forward!
