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Do you really understand MySQL's own libraries and tables?

Do you really understand MySQL's own libraries and tables

     The history of MySQL can be traced back to 1979, and it has been continuously developed and iterated for decades. From the release of MySQL 1.0 in 1996 to the later 3.x, 4.x, 5.x and the latest 8.x, new functions have been continuously developed And improve the problem, it is liked and used by the public, but the built-in database and tables of the database have also changed a lot. I will use 5.7.19 (but the difference between the major version is still very large, and the minor version is basically the same) Let’s find out what are the existing self-contained libraries and tables, what data are stored, what are they used for, and what convenience they can bring to our daily database maintenance or development work, let’s take a look.


    The information_schema database comes with MySQL and provides a way to access database metadata. What is metadata? Metadata is data about data, such as database or table names, data types of columns, or access rights, etc. Other terms sometimes used to describe this information include “data dictionary” and “system catalog”. In MySQL, information_schema is regarded as a database, to be precise, an information database. It holds information about all other databases maintained by the MySQL server. Such as database name, database table, table column data type and access rights, etc. In INFORMATION_SCHEMA, there are several read-only tables. They are actually views, not base tables, so you won’t be able to see any files related to them. Information_schema database table description:

Serial Number Table Name Meaning
1 CHARACTER_SETS The default correspondence table between characters and proofreading rules cannot be added, updated or deleted.
2 COLLATIONS All correspondence tables between characters and collation rules, and there are information such as collation ID, default identification, whether to compile into the server (these are all MySQL extension information for the time being, and are useless now). This table cannot be added, updated, or deleted.
3 COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY All correspondence between characters and proofreading rules
4 COLUMNS Information about the columns in all data tables of the current MySQL server, such as type, whether it is empty, length, character encoding, proofreading encoding and many other useful information.
5 COLUMN_PRIVILEGES Almost the same as mysql.columns_priv, there is a column IS_COLUMN_PRIVILEGES: used to indicate whether the user can continue to authorize others.
6 ENGINES All storage engines currently served by MySQL, engine status(supported, default, disabled, and not supportd, supported but disabled), which supports transactions,XA transactions, partica transactions,etc.
7 EVENTS The MySQL timed task tanle is almost the same as mysql.event, and has similar fuctions, but there will be a little difference in data performance, mainly in terms of time.
8 FILES MySQL file table,mainly store innodb and NDB file information.
9 GLOBAL_STATUS The global system status table, a table reserved by MySQL for compatibility with mysql5.6, has the same effect as the SHOW GLOBAL STATUS command and SELECT * FROM performance_schema.global_status (specific to 5.7), but it may be removed later, more compatible tables.
10 GLOBAL_VARIABLES The global system variable table, a table reserved by MySQL for compatibility with mysql5.6, has the same effect as the SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES command and SELECT * FROM performance_schema.global_variables (specific to 5.7), but it may be removed later.
11 KEY_COLUMN_USAGE Primary key constraint record table for all MySQL libraries.
12 OPTIMIZER_TRACE If you want to see the entire execution plan and how to choose between multiple indexing schemes? This function is supported in MySQL 5.6, optimizer_trace, which is closed by default, session level, and three carriages with the MySQL execution plan of explain, profile and optimizer_trace.
13 PARAMETERS MySQL stored procedure or function parameter record table, more detailed than mysql.proc.
14 PARTITIONS MySQL table space record table, the default innodb is shared storage, that is, the stored data information and index information are in the same *.ibd, and the Myisam storage engine, it uses an independent table space by default, but it can be changed by parameters.
15 PLUGINS The MySQL plugin table is the same as the command SHOW PLUGINS, but it is more detailed than this command, such as the company, version, author, loading method, etc. of the plugin.
16 PROCESSLIST The MySQL thread running table is the same as the SHOW FULL PROCESSLIST command, but different from the SHOW PROCESSLIST command. It seems to be related to permissions. The performance_schema.threads table can also view threads. The official website says that PROCESSLIST has a negative performance impact, but threads do not Yes, I haven’t tested the obvious difference for the time being.
17 PROFILING QUERY_ID is equivalent to show profile for query QUERY_ID; this, show profile only displays the last time, through SET profiling = 1; turn on the switch, Show profiles displays all records of the current session.
18 REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS MySQL reference constraint table, but through ADD CONSTRAINT there will be records in this table.
19 ROUTINES MySQL contains stored procedures and function tables, excluding UDFs function records.
20 SCHEMATA All MySQL library-defined data tables, including library names, characters, collation rules, etc.
21 SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES MySQL database level privilege table, the same as mysql.db.
22 SESSION_STATUS MySQL 5.7 has the same effect as show status in order to be compatible with the reserved table of 5.6.
23 SESSION_VARIABLES MySQL 5.7 has the same effect as show VARIABLES in order to be compatible with the reserved table of 5.6.
24 STATISTICS All index records on the MySQL server table, query a single index situation: SHOW INDEX FROM TABLE_NAME; and SHOW INDEX FROM TABLE_NAME FROM DB_NAME.
25 TABLES All tables on the MySQL server record the table, which may be out of sync with the current table contents, but can be updated by running ANALYZE.
26 TABLESPACES MySQL table space record table, this table does not provide information about InnoDB table space, you need to query the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.FILES table.
27 TABLE_CONSTRAINTS MySQL constraint tables, including unique constraints, primary key constraints, foreign key constraints related record tables.
28 TABLE_PRIVILEGES MySQL table-level privilege table, almost the same as mysql.tables_priv.
29 TRIGGERS MySQL trigger archive table.
30 USER_PRIVILEGES MySQL user permission table, almost the same as mysql.user.
31 VIEWS MySQL view table.
32 INNODB_LOCKS MySQL innodb transaction lock waiting table, used to analyze lock waiting, (transaction related table).
33 INNODB_TRX All open transaction tables in MySQL innodb disappear automatically when closed, (transaction-related tables).
34 INNODB_SYS_DATAFILES MySQL innodb data file table, only contains the disk path data of *.idb files, the default is relative to the mysql data directory, you can specify an absolute path when creating.
35 INNODB_FT_CONFIG MySQL full-text index configuration table, only when the full-text index is defined on the column of the field type, when set global innodb_ft_aux_table=’DB_NAME/TABLE_NAME’; there will be records, how to use it in the follow-up research.
36 INNODB_SYS_VIRTUAL MySQL virtual field record table, when it is listed as a virtual column, there will be records.
37 INNODB_CMP Compression related tables, compression status, mysql table data compression, innodb table compression, how to set the compression of mysql innodb table, InnoDB record compression and usage analysis, innodb_cmp saves historical summary data, and innodb_cmp_reset records a more real-time statistics value.
38 INNODB_FT_BEING_DELETED MySQL full-text index ready to delete record table.
39 INNODB_CMP_RESET Compression related tables, compression status, mysql table data compression, innodb table compression, how to set the compression of mysql innodb table, InnoDB record compression and usage analysis.
40 INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX Compress related tables, which provide the compression of each table and index, innodb compression.
41 INNODB_CMPMEM_RESET Compress related tables, cache compressed data mysql table data compression, innodb table compression, how to set the compression of mysql innodb table, InnoDB record compression and usage analysis.
42 INNODB_FT_DELETED MySQL full-text index deleted records table.
43 INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE_LRU Information of each page in the buffer pool, this table to observe the specific information of each page in the LRU (Least Recently Used Page Replacement Algorithm) list.
44 INNODB_LOCK_WAITS Transaction-related tables, lock waiting tables.
45 INNODB_TEMP_TABLE_INFO This table represents information about temporary tables.
46 INNODB_SYS_INDEXES This table represents index metadata in all tables of the system.
47 INNODB_SYS_TABLES This table represents metadata for all tables in the system.
48 INNODB_SYS_FIELDS This table represents the mapping logic of fields and index positions in all tables of the system.
49 INNODB_CMP_PER_INDEX_RESET (Compression related tables) innodb_cmp_per_index_reset is similar to innodb_cmp_per_index, the difference is that the previous statistics are reset each time a query is made.
50 INNODB_BUFFER_PAGE Information about each page in the buffer pool.
51 INNODB_FT_DEFAULT_STOPWORD MySQL full-text index disabled keyword table.
52 INNODB_FT_INDEX_TABLE MySQL full-text index table.
53 INNODB_FT_INDEX_CACHE MySQL full-text index cache table.
54 INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES MySQL tablespace usage table.
55 INNODB_METRICS MySQL monitoring table, introduced in 5.6, this table is used to monitor whether InnoDB is running normally.
56 INNODB_SYS_FOREIGN_COLS Mysql foreign key reference relational table is somewhat similar to REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS, but REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS is more detailed, and REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS cannot indicate location, and this table can.
57 INNODB_CMPMEM (compress related tables), cache compressed data mysql table data compression, innodb table compression, how to set the compression of mysql innodb table, InnoDB record compression and usage analysis.
58 INNODB_BUFFER_POOL_STATS The status information in the buffer pool is similar to some data in the SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS command, but this table provides more information).
59 INNODB_SYS_COLUMNS Corresponding table ID of all columns in the MySQL database (the relationship between the access ID and table name of this table INNODB_SYS_TABLES), column name, position in the table, column type, length and other related information.
60 INNODB_SYS_FOREIGN All foreign key column relationship information tables in the library are somewhat similar to INNODB_SYS_FOREIGN_COLS and REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS.
61 INNODB_SYS_TABLESTATS The number of all data rows in all tables in the MySQL database will be updated after DELETE\UPDATE, and may be inaccurate if uncommitted transactions are being inserted or deleted from the table. What is the difference between NUN_ROWS in this table and TABLE_ROWS in TABLES, because sometimes I find that the data in TABLE_ROWS does not match the actual data in the table, is it because the transaction is not committed?


    The core database of mysql, similar to the master table in sql server, is mainly responsible for storing the control and management information that mysql needs to use, such as database users, permission settings, keywords, etc. mysql database table description:

Serial Number Table Name Meaning
1 columns_priv The permission table of the columns in the table, when executing GRANT SELECT (HOST), ON db1.* TO ‘test’@’%’ identified by “123456”; there will be data.
2 db The permission table of the database, when executing GRANT SELECT ON db1.* TO ‘test’@’%’ identified by “123456”; there will be data.
3 engine_cost Cost model, engine_cost (IO cost), server_cost (CPU cost), mysql execution plan analysis three see explain, profiling, optimizer_trace.
4 event Scheduled task table, when you pass create event event_now…, there will be data. Note that the scheduled task will only be in the event table if it is valid. By default, the event will be released after execution. If the event is executed immediately, the event will be automatically deleted after execution.
5 func UDF: User-defined function, not Fuction, a higher-level function.
6 general_log MySQL general query log, when log_output=TABLE and start general_log, all mysql execution logs will be written to this table.
7 gtid_executed MySQL Global Transaction ID Persistent Table.
8 help_category Help information table, information about help topic categories, through help ‘keyword’; to view help information, search through the name field in help_category, help_keyword, help_topic.
9 help_keyword Help information sheet, keyword information related to help topics.
10 help_relation Help information table, mapping between help keyword information and topic information.
11 help_topic Help information sheet, details of help topics.
12 innodb_index_stats Statistics table, which stores statistics of index dimensions, which is quite effective for analyzing SQL parsing and query optimization.
13 innodb_table_stats Statistics table, which stores statistics for table dimensions.
14 ndb_binlog_index DB Cluster replication is used, the demonstration is too troublesome, follow-up tests.
15 plugin The plugin table that MySQL has loaded, the plugin loaded through my.cnf or INSTALL PLUGIN will have a record in this table.
16 proc MySQL stored procedures and custom Function record tables, when PROCEDURE or FUNCTION are created, there will be records. The permissions of Mysq.5.7.19 functions and stored procedures are much stronger than before, and the syntax has also changed a little.
17 procs_priv Stored procedure permission table, when executing GRANT EXECUTE ON PROCEDURE db1.procedure_name TO ‘someuser’@’%’;; there will be data.
18 proxies_priv Proxy user permission table, which only appears in this table when the proxy user is authorized through grant proxy.
19 server_cost Cost model, engine_cost (IO cost), server_cost (CPU cost), mysql execution plan analysis three see explain, profiling, optimizer_trace.
20 servers The remote data user table, which is used when using the federated engine, can share remote data and local data, but the function is not complete. Use CREATE SERVER. . . To create, one thing to note is that the information must be written in the first time, otherwise it seems that it cannot be modified by commands in the future. Only by manually deleting the data in the servers table and restarting the service can the same server_name be created again, and then used again, FEDERATED The function of the engine is that the local machine can have the same data table as the remote, and the table name can be different, but the local machine does not save data, only the table definition, and the data is on the remote database.
21 slave_master_info MySQL server main binlog information, when the binlog log is enabled and master_info_repository=TABLE, the relevant information will be recorded to this table.
22 slave_relay_log_info The repeater binlog information of the MySQL server slave, when the slave opens the binlog log and relay_log_info_repository=TABLE., the relevant information will be recorded to this table.
23 slave_worker_info MySQL slave service multi-threaded management table, when slave server slave_parallel_type=’logical_clock’; (configured based on logical clock), the default is DATABASE (that is, a library has only one thread to pull dump log information from the master server), and global variables slave_parallel_workers>0 will show data in this table (mysql.slave_worker_info), the default performance_schema.replication_applier_status_by_worker has only one single-threaded data.
24 slow_log MySQL slow query log, when log_output=TABLE and start slow_log, all mysql execution logs will be written to this table.
25 tables_priv Data table permission table, when executing GRANT SELECT ON db1.tb1 TO ‘test’@’%’ identified by “123456”; there will be data .
26 time_zone MySQL time zone related table, load the relevant time zone information through mysql_tzinfo_to_sql, there will be data, the Linux system time zone file is in the /usr/share/zoneinfo/ directory, my system was CentOS_6.6_Final_2.6.32-504.23.4.el6.x86_64, This table provides the mapping relationship data between query time zone IDs and jump seconds.
27 time_zone_leap_second MySQL time zone related table, load related time zone information through mysql_tzinfo_to_sql, there will be data, this table provides query jump second machine correction value information.
28 time_zone_name MySQL time zone related table, there will be data by loading related time zone information through mysql_tzinfo_to_sql, this table provides the mapping relationship between the name list of the query time zone and the time zone ID.
29 time_zone_transition MySQL time zone related table, load related time zone information through mysql_tzinfo_to_sql, there will be data, this table provides the jump second data of query time zone.
30 time_zone_transition_type MySQL time zone related table, load related time zone information through mysql_tzinfo_to_sql, there will be data, this table provides query specific jump second information and corresponding data with time zone.
31 user MySQL user table, all users created are in this table.


    Mainly used to collect database server performance parameters. And the storage engines of the tables in the library are all PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA, and users cannot create tables whose storage engine is PERFORMANCE_SCHEMA. MySQL5.7 is enabled by default, performance_schema database table description:

Serial Number Table Name Meaning
1 accounts Record the current login information and total login statistics of each user corresponding to the host (disconnect one time and record it into the total number of connections), if USER and HOST are NULL, it means internal users.
2 cond_instances List all conditions for all instances while the server is executing(visible).
3 events_stages_current Stage summary table, containing currently executing stage events for each thread.
4 events_stages_history Stage summary table, containing N (system variable: performance_schema_events_stages_history_size) stage events that each thread has ended.
5 events_stages_history_long Stage summary table, containing N (system variable: performance_schema_events_stages_history_long_size) stage events that end globally in all threads.
6 events_stages_summary_by_account_by_event_name The stage summary table is aggregated according to the statement of account, host and event stage name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with USER, HOST, EVENT_NAME (stage) as the dimension.
7 events_stages_summary_by_host_by_event_name The stage summary table is aggregated according to the statement of the host and event stage name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with HOST and EVENT_NAME (stage) as the dimensions.
8 events_stages_summary_by_thread_by_event_name The stage summary table, which is aggregated according to the statement of the thread and event stage name, aggregates the statistical information of each dimension, and uses THREAD_ID and EVENT_NAME (stage) as the dimensions.
9 events_stages_summary_by_user_by_event_name The stage summary table, which is aggregated according to the statement of the user and event stage name, aggregates the statistical information of each dimension, and uses USER and EVENT_NAME (stage) as the dimensions.
10 events_stages_summary_global_by_event_name The stage summary table, aggregated according to the event stage name (global), aggregated the statistical information of each dimension, with EVENT_NAME (stage) as the dimension.
11 events_statements_current Statement summary table, containing currently executing statement events for each thread.
12 events_statements_history Statement summary table, containing N (system variable: performance_schema_events_statements_history_size) statement events that each thread has ended.
13 events_statements_history_long Statement summary table, containing N (system variable: performance_schema_events_statements_history_long_size) statement events that end globally in all threads.
14 events_statements_summary_by_account_by_event_name Statement summary table, which is aggregated according to the statement of account, host and event statement name, and aggregates the statistical information of each dimension, with USER, HOST, EVENT_NAME (statement) as the dimension.
15 events_statements_summary_by_digest Statement summary table, statistical information table of SQL dimension, can count the statistical information of a certain type of SQL statement in each dimension (for example: the number of executions, the number of times of sorting, the use of temporary tables, etc.), with SCHEMA_NAME (statement), DIGEST, DIGEST_TEXT as the dimensions.
16 events_statements_summary_by_host_by_event_name Statement summary table, which is aggregated according to the statement of host and event statement name, and aggregates the statistical information of each dimension, with HOST, EVENT_NAME (statement) as the dimension.
17 events_statements_summary_by_program The statement summary table is aggregated according to the statement of the thread and event statement function name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with OBJECT_TYPE, OBJECT_SCHEMA, and OBJECT_NAME as the dimensions.
18 events_statements_summary_by_thread_by_event_name Statement summary table, which is aggregated according to the statement of thread and event statement name, and aggregates the statistical information of each dimension, with THREAD_ID and EVENT_NAME (statement) as the dimensions.
19 events_statements_summary_by_user_by_event_name Statement summary table, which is aggregated according to the statement of user and event statement name, and aggregates the statistical information of each dimension, with USER and EVENT_NAME (statement) as the dimensions.
20 events_statements_summary_global_by_event_name Statement summary table, which is aggregated according to the event statement name (globally), aggregates the statistical information of each dimension, and uses EVENT_NAME (statement) as the dimension.
21 events_transactions_current Transaction summary table, containing currently executing transaction events for each thread.
22 events_transactions_history Transaction summary table, containing N (system variable: performance_schema_events_transactions_history_size) transaction events that each thread has ended.
23 events_transactions_history_long Transaction summary table, containing N (system variable: performance_schema_events_transactions_history_long_size) transaction events that end globally in all threads.
24 events_transactions_summary_by_account_by_event_name The transaction summary table is aggregated according to the statement of account, host and event transaction name, and aggregates the statistical information of each dimension, with USER, HOST, EVENT_NAME (transaction) as the dimension.
25 events_transactions_summary_by_host_by_event_name The transaction summary table is aggregated according to the statement of the host and event transaction name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with HOST and EVENT_NAME (transaction) as the dimensions.
26 events_transactions_summary_by_thread_by_event_name The transaction summary table is aggregated according to the statement of the thread and event transaction name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with THREAD_ID and EVENT_NAME (transaction) as the dimensions.
27 events_transactions_summary_by_user_by_event_name The transaction summary table is aggregated according to the statement of the user and event transaction name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with USER and EVENT_NAME (transaction) as the dimensions.
28 events_transactions_summary_global_by_event_name The transaction summary table is aggregated according to the event name (global), and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with EVENT_NAME (transaction) as the dimension.
29 events_waits_current Wait summary table, containing currently executing wait events for each thread.
30 events_waits_history Wait summary table, containing N (system variable: performance_schema_events_waits_history_size) wait events that each thread has ended.
31 events_waits_history_long Wait summary table, containing N (system variable: performance_schema_events_waits_history_long_size) wait events that end globally in all threads.
32 events_waits_summary_by_account_by_event_name The waiting summary table is aggregated according to the statement of account, host and event waiting name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, and USER, HOST, EVENT_NAME (waiting) are listed as dimensions.
33 events_waits_summary_by_host_by_event_name The waiting summary table is aggregated according to the statement of the host and the event waiting name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, and the HOST and EVENT_NAME (waiting) are listed as the dimensions.
34 events_waits_summary_by_instance The waiting summary table is aggregated according to the statement of thread and event waiting function name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, and EVENT_NAME (waiting) and OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN are listed as dimensions.
35 events_waits_summary_by_thread_by_event_name The waiting summary table is aggregated according to the statement of the thread and event waiting name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with THREAD_ID and EVENT_NAME (waiting) as the dimensions.
36 events_waits_summary_by_user_by_event_name The waiting summary table is aggregated according to the statement of the user and the event waiting name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with USER and EVENT_NAME (waiting) as the dimensions.
37 events_waits_summary_global_by_event_name The waiting summary table is aggregated according to the event waiting name (global), and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with EVENT_NAME (waiting) as the dimension.
38 file_instances List all files (open) of all instances while the server is executing.
39 file_summary_by_event_name Performance file I/O summary table, each row counts events for a given event name, with EVENT_NAME (event file) as the dimension.
40 file_summary_by_instance Performance file I/O summary table, each row counts events for a given file and event name, with FILE_NAME (file) and EVENT_NAME (event file) as dimensions.
41 global_status The global system status table, that is, the values ​​we usually display with showglobalstatuslike’% parameter name%’ are stored in this table.
42 global_variables The global system variable table, that is, the values ​​that we usually display with show global variables like '%parameter%' are stored in this table.
43 host_cache Host cache table statistics, users speed up dns resolution.
44 hosts Statistics on the number of current connections and total connections by host dimension.
45 memory_summary_by_account_by_event_name The memory summary table is aggregated according to the statement of account, host and event memory object variable name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, and USER, HOST, EVENT_NAME (memory object variable) is listed as the dimension.
46 memory_summary_by_host_by_event_name The memory summary table is aggregated according to the statement of the host and event memory object variable names, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with HOST and EVENT_NAME (memory object variable) as the dimensions.
47 memory_summary_by_thread_by_event_name The memory summary table is aggregated according to the statement of thread and event memory object variable name, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with THREAD_ID and EVENT_NAME (memory object variable) as the dimensions.
48 memory_summary_by_user_by_event_name The memory summary table is aggregated according to the statement of the user and event memory object variable names, and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, with USER and EVENT_NAME (memory object variable) as the dimensions.
49 memory_summary_global_by_event_name The memory summary table is aggregated according to the event memory object variable name (global), and the statistical information of each dimension is aggregated, and EVENT_NAME (memory object variable) is listed as the dimension.
50 metadata_locks Use a record-locked table that uses metadata locking to manage concurrent access to database objects and ensure data consistency (records only happen when they happen).
51 mutex_instances See which other thread currently owns the mutex.
52 objects_summary_global_by_type Object wait summary table, which is used to summarize the object wait event table.
53 performance_timers Used to query the table of available event timer types.
54 prepared_statements_instances Prepared Statement Examples and Statistics.
55 replication_applier_configuration Check whether each channel is configured with replication delay.
56 replication_applier_status Check whether each channel is replicated normally (service_state) and the number of transaction reconnections.
57 replication_applier_status_by_coordinator Check whether each channel is copied normally, and copy the wrong code, message and time.
58 replication_applier_status_by_worker Check whether the replication of each channel is normal, and copy the work number in parallel, copy the wrong code, SQL and time.
59 replication_connection_configuration View the connection configuration information of each channel: host, port, user, auto_position, etc.
60 replication_connection_status View the connection information of each channel.
61 replication_group_member_stats Only has value when GroupReplication full synchronous replication mode is enabled, the user provides group level information related to the authentication process.
62 replication_group_members Only has value when GroupReplication full synchronous replication mode is enabled, which is used to monitor the status of different server instances that are members of the group.
63 rwlock_instances The table lists all rwlock (read-write lock) instances related records of the server.
64 session_account_connect_attrs A connection properties table containing only the current session and other sessions associated with this session account.
65 session_connect_attrs All session connection properties table.
66 session_status The user status table at the current session level, that is, the values ​​that we usually use show ('session') status like '%parameter%' to display are stored in this table.
67 session_variables The user variable table of the current session level, that is, the values ​​that we usually display with show ('session') variables like '%parameter%' are stored in this table.
68 setup_actors The settings table provides information about the current instrumentation, how to initialize monitoring for new foreground threads, to change the number control of table records, modify at server startup (system variable: performance_schema_setup_actors_size).
69 setup_consumers The settings table provides information about the current instrumentation, listing the consumer types that can store event information and which consumers are enabled.
70 setup_instruments The settings table provides information about the current instrumentation, classes of instrumented objects that can collect events.
71 setup_objects The settings table provides information about the current detection, and controls whether to monitor specific objects, such as changing the number of records table conditions, please modify at server startup (system variable: performance_schema_setup_objects_size).
72 setup_timers The settings table provides information about the current detection, the table shows the currently selected event timer.
73 socket_instances This table provides a real-time snapshot of active connections to the MySQL server.
74 socket_summary_by_event_name Socket summary table, aggregates events by event name, with EVENT_NAME (event name) as the column dimension, provides some additional information, such as socket operations and the number of bytes transmitted and received by the network.
75 socket_summary_by_instance Socket summary table, aggregates events by event name, with EVENT_NAME (event name), OBJECT_INSTANCE_BEGIN columns as dimensions, provides some additional information, such as socket operations and the number of bytes transmitted and received by the network.
76 status_by_account Status variable summary table with USER, HOST, VARIABLE_NAME columns to summarize status variables by account.
77 status_by_host State variable summary table with HOST, VARIABLE_NAME columns for summarizing state variables by the host connected to the client.
78 status_by_thread State variable summary table with THREAD_ID, VARIABLE_NAME columns, summary session state variables for each active user.
79 status_by_user Status variable summary table with USER, VARIABLE_NAME columns to summarize status variables by client username.
80 table_handles Table locks detect the contents of records, this information shows which table handles are opened by the server, how they are locked and by which session, such as changing the number of records table conditions, please modify at server startup (system variable: performance_schema_max_table_handles).
81 table_io_waits_summary_by_index_usage This table summarizes all table index I/O wait events generated by wait/io/table/sql/handler, grouped by table index.
82 table_io_waits_summary_by_table This table summarizes all table I/O wait events generated by wait/io/table/sql/handler, grouped by table.
83 table_lock_waits_summary_by_table This table summarizes all table lock wait events generated by wait/lock/table/sql/handler, grouped by table.
84 threads All threads statistics for the current server, each row contains information about the thread and indicates whether monitoring and historical event logging are enabled for that thread.
85 user_variables_by_thread Change the table to record some user-defined variables, these are variables defined in a specific session, that is, use set@v1=10;, and then select@v1fromdual; in the current connection.
86 users The value records the statistics of the logged in user, does not record the host, the host is in the accounts table.
87 variables_by_thread Session system variables for each active session, the session variable table (session_variables, variables_by_thread) only contains information for active sessions, not for terminated sessions.


    All data sources of the Sys library come from: performance_schema. The goal is to reduce the complexity of performance_schema so that DBAs can better read the contents of this library. Let the DBA understand the operation of the DB faster. All the views in the sys library are views, so I will not do anything unnecessary. The MySQL Doc has a unified description:

sys library table description

sys Schema Object Index


    The is a test database created during installation. Like its name, it is a completely empty database without any tables and can be deleted(Not explained).
